Our coordinator for Support Our Troops is Ron Wozniak. You can contact him at RonWozniak13@gmail.com and/or 941-779-5448 or Craig Hullinger at sarasotamoaa@gmail.com or 941-312-1032.
Suggested Care Package Items
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Troops Who Received Sarasota MOAA Care Packages |
August 2020 Support Our Troops
If you want to get a SOT box out it would be easier for you to get a box or two from your local PO and use the current address(as) we have in the MOAS website and below.Jonathan Dawson
379 AEW/HC
AE 09309-1201
If you are attending a MOAS luncheon, function, Meet & Greet, etc. we will have the necessary MOAS SOT info letter and boxes for you to fill and send out to the Troops. Remember there are no weight restrictions on either box.
ALERT: You may not ship hand sanitizer or flammable sanitizing wipes overseas.
Ron Wozniak
SOT Chairman